Weight Loss Seminars
Attend a free, no-obligation seminar to learn more about your weight loss options. During these sessions, our doctors and staff will review the programs, welcome questions and offer help on navigating the insurance authorization process. The information sessions last about 60 minutes, and you are welcome to bring a support person with you.
Surgical Weight Loss Seminars
Hosted by our expert bariatric surgeons, these seminars allow you to learn more about the many bariatric surgery options we offer.
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Nonsurgical Weight Loss Seminars
Our experienced health coaches will help you learn more about our highly effective nonsurgical weight loss program, including what to expect and how it works.
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Adolescent & Junior Nonsurgical Weight Management Seminars
Mercy’s experienced adolescent health coach will review our program that is designed for adolescents 12–18-years-old and their families. At least one parent or family member must attend the seminar with the child.
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